Fear of responsibility...

Many have this simple doubt – why is a manager paid more than the people under him while all the work is done only by the sub ordinates and the manager simply oversees them? Is it not unfair to underpay a working person and overpay someone who supervises? NO, it is not. The weight of managing people is very high. Only a few shoulders have developed the strength to carry responsibility with ease. Others just have to join the lot which wonders why the hell these managers are given perks.

Responsibility is such an important thing. Some people just hate responsibility, some others pass responsibilities by pushing it someone who could well be a scapegoat, and only a few cherish responsibilities as if they were born for it.

Feeling responsible for your success is the greatest feeling you can ever get. There are many situations when we succeed at something but we don’t feel it at all. We just sleep like it was any other day. This happens because your heart knows that you are not responsible for your success. But when you truly know that you are solely responsible for your success, your heart will celebrate like anything even if it was a very little accomplishment.

The reason for a very unsatisfying life is the lack of responsibility in some form. When we take control of our life, it begins to dance to our tune. At the beginning it may look odd, because we are not adept at composing good tune for the rhythm of life but as we move on, we will soon develop our skills in designing a good score so that our life will be choreographed in the most awesome way.

“You are responsible for whatever happens to you”, read it somewhere. Such a true statement. When we take such a responsibility for each and every move in our life, we will head towards our goal and feel an eternal bliss after crossing every hairpin bend in the journey. Because we know that it is our efforts that carried us throughout the rough terrain.

Some people just go on justifying their mistakes however we try to convince the error on their part. They are the ones who have weak shoulders that could not hold the weight of responsibility. But they don’t understand the best part. The proper training of holding responsibility is like doing an exercise or a weight training in gym it will make your mind stronger. It is fuel your confidence. The more you take responsibility the more you will be respected. People always revere people who do things that they aren’t capable of doing themselves. So naturally when you hold responsibility which they can never dream of, they start respecting you.

The more you run away from responsibility the more it will haunt you. An irresponsible person is certainly not a cool tag to carry around. No one on earth ever lives without making a single mistake so it is no mistake to make mistakes but it is a mistake to not take responsibility of your mistake.
So just go ahead and take control of your life. Start taking responsibility and you will feel more alive every day.


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